Monday, 14 June 2010

My Degree Show Work

The Face of Cancer

During this year I have been exploring a topic which is very close and personal to me, Over the last five years I've lost a number of people to cancer and it is still something which is affecting my family. I've needed to express myself, my thoughts on this subject for a while now but it wasn't until Easter that I was finally ready to tackle the subject head on. The hand painted portraits on glass depict the various members of my family who have had cancer. they stand as a reminder of the savagery of the disease, as a reflection on my past, on the fragility of human life. There is no more striking image than: The Face of Cancer. I have also been exploring my state of mind through the process, the questions, the despair and uncertainty, incorporating imagery of twisted bowels through layered sheets of glass, exploring the possibilities of glass painting.

Degree Show

Philippa Sue Whiteside Claire Turner

Molly Pattison

Not posted for a while as been a busy bee with finishing uni etc, but at last it's over! very sad times!!! As now I have to go out into the real world. but anyhoo, Friday night was our private view for the Degree Show, Liberty Way, everything went well and we all had a great night, some amazing work from my dear friends. I'll let you judge for yourself from the above pictures. (My own work to follow in the next post)